You Will Never Be as Free as You Were as a Kid: Rethinking Personal Freedoms Grownup-Style

Finding Pith
3 min readJun 20, 2022
Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

In the Medium community, personal financial freedom is a major motivator for many writers on the platform. Why else would the top orders on my home page constantly be about the amount people are making on Medium or in other side hustles. The online economy is about money, but making money on your own terms is really about the freedom to choose how and where you live your life. I used to think that this was about the freedom to go anywhere and do anything without worry or concern, like summer vacations used to be when I was a kid. I’m rethinking that now.

For many of us who are not making job-quitting amounts of money online (yet), we write on with the hope that we can get what we need for a life change. With rising prices plus dropping stocks and crypto, this can feel like a goal that is getting further and not closer. If you’re like me and prone to cyclical bouts of racing mind and anxiety, it can be even worse. Today, on my walk, I was thinking about trying to get to a magic number where all the stress would go away, where enough of my living expenses and loans on passive investments were to disappear, leaving me with the profit to finally not wake up worried.

And yet, I’m not sure that it’s just money that worries me. I have a child who is growing up with muscular…



Finding Pith

I am a writer, mother, scientist, and seeker of a meaningful life. Not necessarily in that order.